Every e-Listener is asked to commit to just two hours of email responding each week. That would normally give you time to respond to 8-10 emails. And you can respond to these emails whenever is convenient to you. You don't have to do a regular slot. You can change the time that you commit each week to suit your availability. You simply pick up an email from the queue of those waiting for a response, whenever you are free.
The e-Listener logs into a virtual call centre (VCC) and takes ownership of the next email waiting in the queue for a response. We encourage every e-Listener to pray before composing a response because it is important to receive the Lord's guidance. We represent Him in every aspect of this Ministry. Our aim is always to engage fully with the emailer and encourage them into the Lord's presence, so that they can commit their situation to Him. Every response is likely to include reference to His living WORD in scripture and an accompanying prayer.
The virtual call centre (VCC) is very simple and intuitive to use. You simply login, using your pc, tablet or mobile and take ownership of the next email in the queue. Use of the VCC is well covered in the e-Listener Preparation Programme, and almost all e-Listeners, whatever their IT experience, find it very easy to use. We also Zoom for training, for meetings and for prayer times together. If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, we can help you master it.
Our Email Ministry receives a very wide variety of emails from people of all ages and backgrounds and from all over the world. Emailers write to us of bereavement, isolation and loneliness, anxiety and depression, financial difficulties, their doubts and loss of faith, and sometimes even about taking their own lives. Christians too suffer from all these problems. Some of these emails can be difficult to answer - but the Lord is always present to us, and He shows us how best to respond to the feelings these emailers express.
When responding to emails you will always have access to a more experienced email responder - the Duty Email Co-ordinator. They are on hand to advise you how best to respond to a difficult email, or they might take ownership of the email and write an appropriate response. They will then share this with you, so that you learn how to handle this kind of email in the future.
To find out more about how we prepare you to become an e-Listener with us,
click on the link below.
This email ministry is operated by NEW Kapporet, established in 2020 as a registered charity in England No. 1188055